Dear Members,
Bioeconomy Corporation under the Department of Product Development & Community Programmes, is providing an avenue through an online LIVE networking session for researchers nationwide to share their interesting findings and/or products. This programme offers to both the presenter and audience the opportunity to share knowledge, explore business potentials, and to integrate networking circles.
Bioeconomy Corporation will facilitate by organising this TechNetwork programme once a month, highlighting a variety of research topics.
Expected benefits:
a) Introduction and direct engagement with new business prospect(s)
b) Gain contacts with potential buyers/traders/investors
c) Higher probability for business partnering (i.e. Joint Venture)
d) Establish marketing platform to sell products related to the research findings
e) Consultancy support by Bioeconomy Corporation as government agency
Who should join?
· Business owners
· Product managers
· Investors
· Traders
· Researchers
· Entrepreneurs
· Technology Transfer officers
· Individuals interested in gaining knowledge on the given topic of the session
Click e-FORM :
‘Google Meet’ Link will be shared via email after a completed registration.